Soundgarden, Ervin J. Nutter Center, [Wright State University - 1st Night] Fairborn, Ohio - January 13, 1992. Source: Realistic 33-1065 Electret Stereo Mic. > Sony WM-D3 Pro. Lineage: Master Cassette > 1st Generation Maxell XLII90 Cassette > Tascam 202MKV > Edirol R09 [16/44] > Adobe Audition 5.5 [level boost/hiss reduction] > CD Wave Editor [tracking] > Flac(8). Transfer + Tracking: Smores. Taper: Jerry B. aka 'The Govner'. Set List: 01.Introduction - Searching With my Good Eye Closed 6:21 02.Jesus Christ Pose 5:46 03.Face Pollution 2:17 04.Gun 5:01 05.Beyond the Wheel 6:36 06.Flower 3:47 07.Rusty Cage 4:23 08.Big Dumb Sex 4:29 09.Room a Thousand Years Wide 3:47 10.Outshined 5:07 11.Hands All Over [Cuts Off] 5:17 Bill: Soundgarden + Guns N' Roses. Notes: Hands All Over cuts off at the end. My assumption is that the master cassette was a 100 minute tape and when the tape ran out it was not flipped. I cannot find an online setlist for this show, so it is unclear, though doubtful, that they played additional songs that were not recorded. 52:55 Minutes. •†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†• •†•†•†•†• Please Preserve Quality, Do Not Encode to mp3 •†•†•†•†• •†•†•†•†•†•†• Keep Our Right to Trade Freely Alive †•†•†•†•†•†•†• •†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†• Don't Sell this Show †•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†• •†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•† Enjoy as Much as You Like †•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†• •†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†•†• Isa.